
Military & Family Readiness Center

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At M&RFC, we provide individuals, families, and leadership with programs and services that strengthen our community and promote self-sufficiency, mission readiness and adaptation to the Air Force way of life!

We serve active duty, family members, National Guard and Reserves, retirees, as well as civilian employees.

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Starting the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Process

The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA FY19) requires any service member separating or retiring from the military to complete an Individualized Counseling (IC) and pre-separation counseling 365 days prior to member’s DOS. The process of this congressional mandate is initiated with a self-assessment tool. Once the self-assessment is complete, you will then be scheduled to receive an IC and pre-separation counseling with a counselor at the M&FRC, and should take up to two hours. When the IC and pre-separation are complete, you can then be scheduled to attend the mandatory TAP seminar, which is held the first full week of every month.

You will not be able to out-process without meeting the aforementioned criteria. Please keep in mind that this does not start the separation/retirement process, nor will you be obligated to separate/retire if you attend. Those separating may start the process as early as 18 months prior to DOS and 24 months for retirees. The IC and Pre-separation counseling will be good for 4 years.

Step 1

Complete Self-Assessment. Please use military email account to send to TAP org box: 436fss.fsh.tap@us.af.mil

Step 2

You will be contacted by your assigned counselor at M&FRC to set up the IC/Pre-Separation briefing appointment, which will initiate the DD Form 2648.

Based on which tier you are placed in, you will need to complete the required Career Readiness Standards (CRS) according to the links below. This will be explained during your counseling appointment.

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Step 3

You will be scheduled for the TAP workshop which is held every first full week of the month.

Day 1 – DOD Transition Day (mandatory)

  • Managing My Transition
  • Military Occupational Crosswalk
  • Financial Planning for Transition

Day 2 – VA Benefits (mandatory)​

  • VA contractor will brief on VA benefits and services.

Day 3 – DOL One-Day Workshop (some exemptions apply)​

  • DOL instructor prepares members on getting “career-ready.”

Day 4 & 5 – Two-Day DOL Employment Track (optional)​

  • More in-depth career readiness assistance to build on one-day workshop to include resume writing, interview skills, and employment searching.

Step 4

Schedule Capstone appointment when completed with all TAP requirements. This is the final phase of the DD Form 2648, and must be completed NLT 90 days from DOS, which will include a review of TAP Career Readiness Standards by M&FRC staff.

A signature from your commander/commander’s designee is required on the form. The MPF will not out-process you without this being accomplished.