
School Liaison Program

The Dover Air Force Base School Liaison Program is available to assist military and DoD civilian families with questions or issues concerning public, charter, private, and homeschools for children in all K–12 grades.

The School Liaison Program is located at Suite 106 of the Education Center in Building 261. If you need assistance please contact, Ms. Laurie Sisk at 302.677.4622/302.943.9461 or by email at 436FSS.FSY.DoverAFBSLO@us.af.mil!

what we offer

Enrolling Your Child

Items Required:

  • Original birth certificate

  • Proof of immunization

  • Proof of residency

To determine which school your child will be attending, please visit Delaware’s school locater website at arcgis.doe.k12.de.us/school_locator! The kindergarten cut-off age for prospective enrollees is 5 years old on or before August 31 of the current year.  

For more information, please visit our main website for the Department of the Air Force School Liaison Program.